Thursday 31 May 2007

Music Map

This is an interesting music search, it links albums together graphically, worth having a play with.

La Linea (the line)

This cartoon animation is part of a series of old italian adverts for "LAGOSTINA". These adverts were created by the Italian animator Osvaldo Cavandoli that became famous for his "La Linea", a simply drawn cartoon, first appearing in 1969 and broadcasted until 1977. This amusing character has appeared in a great many Lagostina advertising films and later independent films, which were broadcasted in over 40 countries, and have been awarded many times. Cavandoli made a comics version of his character for Il Giornalino in 1974. 'La Linea' reappeared on Italian television in 1997. In 2001, Cavandoli made a series of 20 films with his character for Universal Studios in the USA.

La Linea reminds me of my childhood when these cartoons appeared on our "black and white" televisions everyday in a special programme called "Carosello".

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!!!

Here is an adult version.......

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Brutal toys

Design, the next generation

I spotted this at my local train station, it was part of a project local school kids did in order to create awareness of drugs and drinking too much. Check out the rhyming!

Floating signs

This is a project by artist Matt Siber, it looks like a photoshop effort but interesting concept if it was possible.

Go for a think

For those times when you might want to multi-task.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Erwin Wurm

Don't you just hate it when this happens...

Don't you just hate it when this happens...

Don't you just hate it when this happens...

If you want to check out more of Erwin Wurm's work then go to his website or search for him on Google.

Web 2.0

It seems the internet and computers are becoming so advanced these days.

Do you want to be a hostess

If you want to relive the English entry in Eurovision last weekend or if you want to make your guests feel comfortable with getting sick in a paper bag then maybe purchase your very own air hostess's trolley and serve drinks to your hearts delight.


The SoftLightes

This is a suggestion courtesy of James, I agree that it's some nice animation. Check it out on his blog.

It's Instinct

This is from a Moscow based agency, the site is a bit Terry Gillingham in style but worth a look anyway.

P.S. It is a bit frustrating to navigate, thought it might help if you spoke Russian.

Monday 7 May 2007

If anyone is planning a future in advertising then this site is very useful. Simply logon with your email address to view TV advertsing from around the world. Let me know what you think.

Friday 4 May 2007

One for the girls.

Check out these illustrations from the girls production, I think their great, what do you think?

Some Swedish pop from Peter, Bjorn and John, worth having a look at for the simplicity of the video's animation style and how it works with the style of the music.


There is an exhibition by John Maeda at London's Riflemaker museum, Soho. If your in London and have at least a passing interest in that invention called the internet then I would suggest a visit. This is Maeda's first UK exhibition, it is designed to question the tech-dense and often passive lanscape of the web. Visitors are encouraged to interact with a roomful of pods, texts and films. The exhibition opens April 30th.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Fencing - Ambient media

Here is some interesting work from a Dutch design house called Demakersvan. This technique could lend itself to lots of creative aplications for ambient media or signage. Finding inspiration like this is a good way to get us to think about everyday places and objects in differently and to think of new ways to use them.

Tuesday 1 May 2007


The following is a list of Websites that have been suggested by the graphics team as a source of inspiration.


The following is a list of Artists that have been suggested by the graphics team as their work and ideas are a source of inspiration.

Gerhard Richter
Jonathan Borofsky
Louise Bourgeois
Daido Moriyama
Zbigniew RybczyƄski
John Meada
Peter Randall Page
Igor Mitoraj
James Turrel
Anselm Keiffer
Russell Mills
Ray Richardson
Mike England
Bill Viola


The following is a list of Museums that have been suggested by the graphics team as a source of inspiration.

Tesco - Anywhere
St Bride Printing Library
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London
Picasso Museum, Barcelona
Tate St Ives
Thackray Medical Leeds
The Corner House (Manchester)
FACT (Liverpool)
Imperial War museum (Manchester)
The Imperial War Museum - London
National Media Museum - Bradford


The following is a list of Places/Architecture that have been suggested by the graphics team as a source of inspiration.

Alfama - Lisbon
Anything in Barcelona
The Forbidden Palace, Beijing
Beetham Tower, Manchester
Any one of the residences below the HOLLYWOOD sign in LA.
Seagram Builing, Park Avenue, New York
Gardners Arms pub in Hunslet
The Chrysler Building (NY)
Barnsness nuclear power station (Scotland)


The following is a list of Films that have been suggested by the graphics team as a source of inspiration.

Glengarry Glenross
Buffalo 66
Midnight Cowboy
Stalker - Tarkovsky
Meanstreets - Martin Scorcese
Monsters Inc.
Sacrifice - Tarkovsky
Whistle down the wind
Lord of the Flies
Sophie Scholl
Les Amant de Pont Neuf
Dark City
Pillow Book
Requiem for a Dream


The following is a list of books that have been suggested by the graphics team as a source of inspiration. They are not necessarily design books, but have been recommended in order to inspire you in some way.

Stop Stealing Sheep - Eric Spiekermann
Reading the popular - John Fiske
Secret History - Donna Tart
Hunting Mr Heartbreak - Jonathan Raban
On Photography - Susan Sontag
Rebecca Solnit's "Motion Studies - Time, Space and Eadweard Muybridge"
Nicholas Murray's biography "Kafka"
The Goldilocks Enigma - Paul Davies