Wednesday 25 July 2007

Weather controlled video

This is an interesting concept piece, it's a weather controlled dynamic video. Apparently when you go to the site it logs your location, checks the weather there and using this information the video will change in some manner.

By the way you need a pretty decent machine to view it properly otherwise it will stutter a lot.

Call for Art-Think Entries

For those of you who might be interested Howies are running their Art Think photographic competition again, this time they have two categories students and professionals.

The brief is "sport is good" and the prize money is £1000.

Monday 23 July 2007

Advertising will destroy the world!!!!

This is something that I've found on the Brandrepublic website and I thought that it would be a good subject for opening a new debate........


This is a portfolio site for Krzysztof OStrowski, showing his comic creations videos and other projects. The main navigation of the site is based around the video of hi, you need to punch him to navigate through the menu options. The mix of video, sound and interaction is kind of interesting, have a gander and see what you think.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Why not digital??

One of the issues that currently concerns me is that students don't get too much involved with the digital side of design. Nowadays digital skills are a must for designers, as more and more companies demand this kind of knowledge from creative graduates.

Out there, there is a huge appetite for all things digital in design but unfortunately new graduates seems slow to grasp innovation and put on-line communications on their agendas, failing to develop these skills that would accommodate a new demanding market. The reflection of this new trend is the demand and consequent pay structure for digital designer in comparison with traditional design. Higher wages are paid to designers that are able to translate their creativity into a digital outcome.

The main problem in my view is the approach from students to all new technologies in which due to the lack of understanding and interest are failing to familiarize and get involved with this area of design. Students often see digital as a not so cool "must do" in order to complete their education without understanding the potential that these technologies could offer.

As creatives, students, should be able to produce work for a variety of outputs, understanding that digital is just a part of the design proposition. The question to pose at this point is; why do students see their portfolios just as a collection of printed material spanning from advertising and branding to typography or copy based graphics? Surely any of these areas of design have a place in the digital market and should then be reflected in a student's own portfolio.

New graduates, should be more concerned with the communication aspects of design and embrace digital as a medium, not to replace, but moreover to complement all other traditional outcomes. If designers feed their creativity from knowledge and understanding of current trends and issues why digital design isn't adopted in their learning, and developed as a "must have" skill? Do students really understand what digital is all about?

I guess, most students differentiate the kind of learning according to the outcome and fail to see digital as a tool to stimulate their creativity. If it isn't studio based, it is not design, if it isn't taught in a seminar or lecture it must not be part of the design process. I wonder what students really think about their approach to digital and why this discipline isn't part of their main focus as a designer.

Monday 16 July 2007

Dream for everything

If you liked that last post for IKEA then you might just like this one. You need to rollover either the left or right side of the image when it has loaded then click and hold to move.


This is a great little stop motion animation for Nudie Jeans. I love the roughness of it and how they have managed not to go too far and become amateur, the editing is pretty nice too. Have a look Nudie Jeans

Come into my closet

This is a nice little site to promote IKEA's storage solutions. Great use of video, it gives a voyeuristic feel to the site, its beautifully simple in its execution.

Benjamin Cove

Benjamin Cove is a London based visual artist with a background in architecture and art. He has regular exhibitions around London and I think he recently had one in Manchester, worth a look if you happen to be passing one.

Teenage Bad Girl - Album art

I haven't posted any album art up to now, so I thought it was time to post something. This stuff is from a french electronic outfit, I've heard their amazing live althouth the sound is a bit niche the album art is interesting in my opinion.

4Talent Competition

4Talent are currently running a competition to design a 15 second sting, the prize is £2500 and a chance to professionally develop your piece with 4Creative and special effects company MPC (they have worked on Harry Potter and other high profile things).

The proposition; "4Talent is the future"
Requirements: Written statement, storyboard and/or a rough animatic for the 15 second sting, and your showreel.

For more details go here competition

Sunday 15 July 2007

77 Million Paintings

This is a concept piece by Brian Eno, mixing music, light and computers. All very interesting, there is more information on the website

Thursday 12 July 2007

phone | not phone

This is an interesting joint project between Interactive media design and innovative product design Level 2 students at the University of Dundee The project re-examines of the possibilities open to the most ubiquitous electronic device of today...

To see the full project go to

The Magic Flute

Kenneth Branagh has produced a film adaption of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. I have not seen the opera or the film but I've checked the website out, it is interesting in that there are some differnt touches to it, I like the bit with the three ladies because when you play one it seems the other two listen to her. I would suggest a visit to see what you think. The Magic Flute